In the last post I promised some pictures so this post will have said pictures.  I’m not posting all of our ultrasound pictures here, because if I did that then what would be the added benefit of actually knowing us?  I mean, if you could come to our site and get all the pictures you wanted why would you call us up and have dinner with us?  That’s right, this is just a teaser, if you want more pictures of the baby then you have to take us to dinner!  We’re holding the rest of the pictures hostage!  So… um… captions follow each image.  Enjoy (then take us to dinner)!

It\'s not a manatee after all!
A pretty good shot that proves she’s not a manatee after all.


She’s an alien!  Not a manatee, an alien!!!  I will ZAP you white bread!


To prove she meant business, she flexed for us.

Leave A Comment, Written on April 28th, 2008 , Bree

Well there’s no question about it.  The baby formerly known as “FG” is, in fact, a girl!

The ultrasound went really well and we were able to see more details than we expected.  The baby was very active during the process and was kicking Mel as hard as possible to make sure we knew her opinion on the matter.  We got lots of pictures, which I’m sure I’ll be posting soon, but for now I’ve just posted a picture of Mel just before we found out the news over on Flikr.  If you’re not behind a big-brother style net nanny you’ll be able to see it over on the right side… and if you are behind a big-brother style net nanny get an iPhone or something!

1 Comment, Written on April 23rd, 2008 , Bree

I’ve been trying to get Mel to post an update all weekend, but she’s got more important things to attend to apparently. So I’ll do one instead…

After our doctor’s visit the other day (see the previous post) Mel was sent to a cardiologist. The resulting visit and almost full-day diagnosis (which turned into 48 hours of diagnosis, she’s all wired up to a machine right now) yielded the information that she was suffering from neurocardiogenic syncope. This is good news, in that there shouldn’t be any medication needed and the problem itself can’t cause drastic damage. It’s bad news in that there’s really no solution for it.

The doctor said that her pregnancy had brought on the issues, or at least it had made them bad enough to detect. His suggested treatment? “Eat some salt and over-hydrate.” Why can’t I get prescriptions like that?

Leave A Comment, Written on April 6th, 2008 , Bree

We haven’t posted an update in a while, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t had lots going on!

The pregnancy continues to prove to be a cause of nausea for Mel every day.  At least now, however, “Morning Sickness” is a more appropriate term for what she is experiencing.  Her nausea generally occurs in the morning and subsides for the rest of day, so there’s noted improvement there.

Now, however, we’re experiencing a new issue.  Saturday night, Mel was standing in a friend’s kitchen having a conversation when suddenly she feinted.  The spell only lasted 30 seconds or so, but it was definitely new and for us it was cause for concern.  We called the nurses line that night only to be told she likely “stood up to fast.”  Thanks, there, nurses.

Luckily our next doctor’s appointment was today, so we got a chance to talk to our doctor about the situation.  Unluckily, Mel had two more spells in the meantime.

Of course, family and friends all had their thoughts on what the problem could be.  From stress, to fatigue to anemia to blood sugar problems everyone seemed to think of different things that could cause the problem.  After some tests, the doctor confirmed that the problem is definitely not blood sugar or anemia, but is more likely either slight dehydration (she said water wasn’t enough at this point, Mel needed to drink low-calorie electrolyte drinks) or an issue with Mel’s heart or a combination of things.

So, we’ll be off to the cardiologist at the earliest convenience for the doctor.  The good news is that Mel now knows what it feels like when a spell is coming on so we’re able to address it early and keep it from actually happening.  It seems that getting her into a lying down position stops the process and gets her back to a “normal” state.

Beyond that, during the appointment the doctor took a listen to the baby which is now moving wildly and evidently having a blast through all of this.  The heartbeat was strong and the baby was active, so on that front things are looking great.

In other news, the doctor made our next appointment with her for three weeks from today.  So in three we plan to know the sex of the baby!

Leave A Comment, Written on April 2nd, 2008 , Bree

As of today, according to the doctor we just got home from visiting, Mel is 7 weeks and 5 days along in her pregnancy.  The past couple of weeks have been pretty tough on her, showing us what it’s like to live with the VERY poorly named “morning sickness.”  It should be named “all the time every day all week and all night sickness.”  The doctor told us this was normal, so no worries.  She also gave Mel some medication to hopefully help with it a little bit.

Today’s visit was really interesting because it was our first sonogram.  I had talked to some friends and they had mentioned that the first time they heard the heart beat was the first time they bonded with their baby.  I experienced that too, it was really, really cool.

Of course, with our first sonogram comes the ability to share the first picture of our baby with all our friends and family…

First Ultrasound

As you can see, our nurse took some creative freedom with the photograph to point out the subject of the photograph more clearly.  When you’re seeing it live, you can actually see the little heart beating which is really cool.

I talked to some other friends, those who don’t have children and haven’t ever seen all the pictures the expectant mother shows the father during each week of the pregnancy.  They all seem to be curious about how the baby looks right now.  So to help those friends out, I’m including a full color picture of what the baby looks like as of today…


As you can see, I took some creative freedom of my own to point out the subject of the photograph more clearly.  When you see these live you don’t normally see the heart beat…

Hopefully one of the pictures helps you to see the new addition to the Garvich family a little more clearly.  If not… Leave a comment and I’ll look for more pictures to help illustrate the point.

2 Comments, Written on February 6th, 2008 , Bree

Well, I guess not technically we, but at least Mel is. It turns out that sometime around September 20th we will be making an addition to our family… and tax exemptions… and extra room… and dog’s stress level.

I think just about everyone who checks our blog has already been told in person, so I’m finally getting to post here so I can document the occasion.

We had our first doctor’s visit this past week which turned out to be a nice opportunity for me to meet a new doctor in my life and for us to confirm that we were, in fact, on our way to having a baby.

Of course, I’m sure the blog will go from being an “occasionally posted to by Donnie” area to a “always being posted to by Mel” area so stay tuned for the latest in pictures over on our sidebar (via Flickr).

1 Comment, Written on January 27th, 2008 , Announcements, Bree

There’s really not too much I can say about this that the picture doesn’t say for itself. Basically, my sister gave Mel and I the great idea to make gingerbread people which resembled the people I work with. So we had Tony over and… well… I blame this all on Tony. Especially the whole KK thing.

Gingerbread Gang

Leave A Comment, Written on December 11th, 2007 , Holidays

This year we really weren’t sure whether we were going to do a Halloween gathering or not… The holiday fell on a Wednesday, which is traditionally the worst day for trick or treating. Then, we started getting phone calls from friends wondering what they could bring. Apparently, it was a foregone conclusion to a lot of our friends that our annual Halloween festivities would be happening.

We’re so glad that we decided to do something, because even with the short planning phase we had things seemed to turn out great. We were glad to have everyone over who could make it and it was fun (as always) to go trick or treating with the kids and to hand out candy to the trick or treaters who stopped by.

It seems that every year we have a “Tony” story to tell about Halloween and this one was no different. This year, Tony dressed as a high school basketball coach from the late 70’s / early 80’s. His costume can only be described as… weird. Anyhow… As tradition would have it Tony ended up handing candy out to at least a few of the kids who showed up. His first group of kids showed up and as they waited for their candy Tony explained to them that they would need to run wind sprints in order to get anything. The kids, of course, weren’t taking him seriously right up until the point when he yelled “GO!” I don’t think Tony fully understood the ramifications of what he had done until the kid dressed as a ghost was half way down the driveway towards the street… The ghost costume was NOT designed for running and it was very, very obvious that the kid was about to face plant right in the middle of our driveway. Of course, Tony started yelling for them to stop and handed out the candy they had earned.

Beyond that we had some really, really cute kids come around. Most notably was a small girl dressed as a duck and a toddler dressed as a vampire, complete with a pacifier shaped like vampire fangs. Unfortunately we didn’t get pictures.

After the family types had loaded up and headed home, those of us without children hung out and watched several episodes of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” to cap off the night.

Thanks everyone for coming out, next year we are going to put a lot more planning into it and we plan to have an outright costume party. So go ahead and start figuring out how you’re going to dress up!

Leave A Comment, Written on October 31st, 2007 , Holidays, Parties

Tonight we made our annual pumpkin pilgrimage to our friends’ Dano and Pam’s house to once again test our abilities against the best in… Dano and Pam’s back yard.

As always, a great time was had, great food was eaten and many pumpkins realized their glorious destiny.

Melanie did the one in the top row, middle, which is the cat and pumpkin sitting in a window. Mine is the emoticon wink which is the second from the left which turned out to be an artist favorite but didn’t get much attention from the judges. Fortunately this year was the first year in which a recount wasn’t demanded by at least one of the competitors, so controversy was avoided altogether.

It was a great time and we have already started planning our pumpkins for next year!

Pumpkin Carving Party Lineup - 2007

Leave A Comment, Written on October 27th, 2007 , Holidays, Parties

Normally when we’ve been on vacation for a while we’re ready to head home once our time is coming to an end. Grand Cayman, to date, is the only exception to that rule. We would have loved to stay for a little longer (or a lot, as long as we had the funds to live like we were rock stars). Instead, we got up Friday morning and got our things together and ready to head home. We said goodbye to our hotel room and headed downstairs to tell our new friends goodbye for now.

Mel and Doreen

Unfortunately for us, the road home was going to be a far cry from the paradise we had wrapped ourselves up in for the past few days. The moment we stepped out of the cab at the Grand Cayman airport Spirit Airlines was there to greet us with 2+ hour waits in rooms with no air conditioning. The first wait was… again… to check our bags. Once we had that out of the way we breezed through security and headed to the plane.

Me escaping the airport

The Airplane

Then it was on to Ft. Lauderdale airport where we had left ourselves 2 and a half hours to catch our plane to Orlando (a Southwest plane, so we had to pick up our luggage and recheck it with the new airline) and from there we had 50 minutes to catch our plane to Birmingham. Spirit Airlines had another idea, however. After waiting in a customs line for over 2 hours we were in a panic to get our bags at the Spirit baggage claim and get all the way across the airport to the Southwest terminal. So we were sprinting through the airport and the parking garage to finally get to the Southwest counter and have the first associate demand that we stand in line (the line was one person long). Luckily, two other associates helped us get things in order and called down to hold the plane for us. We got on the plane with no food, no drink for the past few hours and sweating from having stood in 5 hours of lines with no air conditioning in the Grand Cayman and Florida heat… we got to the plane with 4 minutes to spare before takeoff.

On the plane, the flight attendant heard our story and showered us with peanuts and snack packs which was great because that was probably the only thing which kept Mel from having a blood sugar spike.

The rest of the trip was, as it should have been, a pleasure as Southwest saw us all the way home where landed right back into reality with paradise now nothing but a memory.

1 Comment, Written on August 10th, 2007 , Grand Cayman, Travel

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