Someone once said “All good things must come to an end…” and while I don’t really subscribe to that sentiment in this case it’s true.  Our last day in paradise (for now) has arrived and we have a decision to make.  Do we spend the day relaxing on the beach or do we spend the day running to see the remaining sites on the island we haven’t gotten to?  If you know Mel and I you know what our decision ended up being.  Boy… that sure is a nice beach.

We actually got up at a decent time this morning and had breakfast from Eat’s Cafe across the street from our hotel.  To think of it, we had breakfast either there, or from there, just about every morning.  It’s a great place to get pancakes or french toast.

Once we had eaten, we headed down to the beach to hang out, sit in chairs and snorkel one last time.

Me in the water

Mel on the beach

After we had our fill of the beach for a few hours, we headed up to the pool and decided to have lunch next to the pool.  I ordered a caesar  salad with chilled shrimp (yes, again) and Mel finally figured out the code of the lizards we had been attempting to photograph all week.  The little guys would run away at the first sight of a camera… unless you gave one of them a small piece of lettuce, apparently.  We just sat for a while and watched people order drinks from the pool bar.  It was a fitting end to our time on the hotel grounds.


The Pool Bar

To wrap up the day we met with the son of one of our new Caymanian friends.  He had very generously taken some time out of his day to come over to the hotel to hang out with us for a little while to tell us stories about the island and give us an idea of what it’s like to live in Grand Cayman.  We exchanged stories (and e-mail addresses) and plan to converse again at some point in future, hopefully soon and often.

Once we had bid our new friends a farewell we went back to our room and got cleaned up for dinner.  Tonight we decided to go back to our favorite place, which was Yoshi’s Sushi.  The day and night were great and we ended the night on a high note by hanging out at Yoshi’s with the locals until we were ready to go to sleep.


Written on August 9th, 2007 , Grand Cayman, Travel

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