Well, this Easter is particularly special. A little sad since it marks the last night I’ll ever tuck Bree into bed as an only child.
Of course, putting her cute little basket together helped! 🙂
Bree loves her basket! She spent a good while looking over everything, putting on her jewelry and breaking apart every egg she could find. And after begging me ti turn her Etch-A-Sketch “on” she proceeded to play with the plastic grass… It never ceases to amaze me how much enjoyment kids get out of the simple things. It makes me think that spending huge amounts of time and money trying to “wow” them with gifts is missing the point. Either way, our baby loved the basket we put together for her and we loved watching her eyes and little face while she explored it. Now to get ready and head to family events!
We made it over to Mel’s parent’s house for lunch. What a perfect day for spending some time outside!
Hiding the eggs! Time to hide Easter eggs for Bree and Zoey! The hunt is on!
Time for Easter with the Garvichs!
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