Today, after breakfast, we were hanging out for a nice Sunday morning watching some great nature documentaries and playing with Bree.  She had found some headbands and had decided that a head band, a purse and a cell phone were all she needed for a good time.  Melanie, thinking that Bree would LOVE to see how cute she was grabbed a mirror and leaned it up against the couch so Bree could see herself.  That’s when we realized that this was the first time Bree had ever realized that the cute little girl in the mirror was her.  So I took a quick video with my iPhone.

A funny ending… After I took the video Mel wanted to take a look at it.  You can see where Mel is sitting in the video… right behind the mirror.  So while Mel was watching the video behind the mirror, Bree was still looking at the mirror.  When video Bree started talking, mirror Bree was more than a little freaked out.  Of course, she was excited that the girl in the mirror was talking so she had an entire conversation with the girl in the mirror!  It was great… I wish I had video of the video, but the universe can’t handle the paradox.  😉

Written on January 31st, 2010 , Bree

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